Helping People and Communities to Be in Peace

Please Pray for the Innocents of War and Natural Disaster

This peace meditation, based on the Metta Lovingkindness prayer, was read in community in Arabic at our World Peace Day Celebration in Arsal, Lebanon, as we aligned ourselves in peace and coherence and shared our heart fields out into the greater world. Just days following this Peace celebration, towns within miles of Arsal were severely overwhelmed by military conflict and destruction.  Internally displaced refugees, many who have already experienced the trauma of war, are now flooding into the tent camps of Arsal, which were established more than 10 years ago to support refugees fleeing the neighboring Syrian War.  

Within weeks of this military conflict, hurricanes brought disaster and tremendous loss to communities in North Carolina and most recently in Florida.

The displaced survivors of floods from Hurricanes Helene and Milton and the displaced survivors of the conflict in Lebanon need our prayers and material support. Let's send our heart light and support to all displaced people in this world and pray that all people may one day have safe secure homes to return to.

How You Can Help: 

Be in Peace is positioned with a team on the ground in Arsal to provide not only trauma relief services, but also food, clothing, and other basic necessities to those in need. Please help us help those who are seeking peace.

Help Us Continue Our Peace Work

October, 2024

Families displaced from the current conflicts in Lebanon are streaming into the tent camps of Arsal, where Be In Peace has one of our bases of operations. The majority of our program participants have experienced war and have been living with war trauma for many years. The Be in Peace trauma relief programs, which include the Women's Stress Management and Children's Peacebuilders Training Programs, have taught participants to create an emotional safe zone within themselves. The recent military incursions have reignited the traumas of many of those who escaped the Syrian War into the safe haven of Lebanon, as well as for those citizens of Lebanon who are now directly experiencing the ravages of military conflict.  

Be in Peace is logistically positioned to provide and distribute material support of food, clothing and other necessities alongside our trauma relief work, but we are low on funds and need your support.  Please help us help those who are in the greatest need of peace.  Here's how you can help:

Our Wonderful World Peace Day Celebration in Arsal! 

September, 2024

Our World Peace Day Celebration in Arsal, Lebanon was a great success! More than 100 of our program graduates and their families attended a day full of peace-based activities, including a traditional Syrian welcome dance, a children's play about forgiveness and reconciliation, creation of a Peace banner comprised of paper handprints filled with peace messages, children coloring peace doves, a slide presentation about the work of Be in Peace and a group meditation based on the HeartMath® techniques, where we used the power of group coherence to send peace into the world with the words of the Be In Peace Coherence Meditation. It was a day of fun, and joyful community. Big congratulations to our team of staff and volunteers who put in all the time and effort to create this amazing event together! 

We had balloons!

Coloring peace doves!

A traditional Syrian welcome song and dance

Peace in the World is Needed for Everyone!

A Peace Banner full of handprints with peace messages

Happy World Peace Day!

World Peace Day is September 21st and We Are Celebrating in Arsal!

September, 2024

We're preparing for our big day of celebration of peace in Arsal, Lebanon!  This community peace celebration will include song and dance presentations, a children's play about reconciliation and peace, and various peace building activities, including a group HeartMath coherence meditation, where our coherent community radiates feelings and intentions of peace into the world! 

Join with us in your heart to celebrate peace and the power we have to help people "be in peace."

Be in Peace World Peace Day Banner and gift bags for the community peace celebration 

This is the dance rehearsals for the girls who will be opening our World Peace Day Program with a traditional Syrian welcome song, which translates from Arabic as:

"You came and honored us today, welcome to this arrival, how beautiful your appearance is, by God, your appearance has made my heart infatuated,

You came after the absence, with your absence you pained me, you are the beloved ones of the heart, with your arrival you made me happy.

You came and honored us today.....

And joy fluttered at the door, and the heart sang, oh my nights,

We were happy to meet you, oh sun, do not set.

You came and honored us today.

We Have Launched Our Children's Peacebuilders Program in Arsal!

August, 2024

Be In Peace is proud to announce the launch of our latest pilot program, the Be In Peace Children's Stronghearted Peacebuilders Program, teaching children in Arsal, Lebanon who have been impacted by the Syrian War, about the power of their heart and emotions, and using HeartMath self-regulation techniques, storytelling, and interactive play to bring peace to themselves, as well as their families, community and the greater region of the Middle East. Our individual peace and heart coherence creates an energetic field of peace and coherence that is proven to improve circumstances in individuals and the greater world

This program was created by our Program Director, Fatima A., who was trained in trauma relief techniques by humanitarian trauma relief therapist Majd Kamalmaz and facilitates our Women's STress Management Training Program. The program is co-facilitated by her daughter Nawar, who leads the children's program and assists in the Women's Stress Relief Program. So far, more than 30 boys and girls have participated in this program.

We are grateful to the HeartMath Institute for their ongoing support and permissions to use their life enhancing techniques in our programs. 

Congratulations to our team and all the children who participated in this beautiful program!

Congratulations to all the graduates of our Strong-hearted Peacebuilders Program!

Using a stethoscope to listen to each other's heartbeats and discovering the power of our heart.

Learning about depleting and energizing emotions and how to manage them.

Following a peace-based story, the children come together in peace and unity, embracing forgiveness and reconciliation as Peacebuilders.

Be In Peace Launches Its Next Stress Relief Program for Women

 with our New NGO Partner, Bridges of Light

April, 2024

Be in Peace is happy to announce that starting April 1, 2024, we are launching our next series of Stress Management Training Programs for the women in Arsal, Lebanon through the end of Jued 2024, with our new local NGO partner, Bridges of Light / Jousour Al Nour. The mission of Bridges of Light is to spread the values ​​of love and tolerance, consolidate civil development work, and achieve social security.  They support women by offering various training courses, including how to write a resume and train women in the sewing profession at their center, so that women could work, gain financial independence, and help themselves and their families in tailoring, nursing, and manual trades. Together, we anticipate we will be able to support more than 100 women in bringing peace into their hearts, families and community between April and June, 2024. Stay tuned for more exciting new developments in the upcoming months!

A Peek Inside a Stress Training Session

March, 2024

Our Program Director, Fatima A., shared a recent story that happened in one of their stress management training sessions.  "Some of the women were feeling lazy and lack of activity at the beginning of the session. I suggested that we do some simple sports movements to energize the group. 

The activity took five minutes. After doing exercises collectively, I asked each woman to mention the name of something she loves, its first letter, the same as the first letter of her name, while making a gentle movement with the hands. When we finished, I noticed a change in their condition, as they seemed active and energetic.(I advised them to do exercises regularly), then I followed up with them on the topic of the session."

It is so fulfilling to see the big smiles on these women's faces!

Be In Peace Presents to the HeartMath Institute

February 2024

On Wednesday, February 7th, Be In Peace was honored to deliver a presentation to the HeartMath Institute's Resilient Heart Trauma Sensitive Course Community's Monthly Q&A Session, where we shared the development, implementation and the results of our successful pilot project "Be In Peace Stress Management Training Program" for Syrian women in Lebanon who experienced the traumas of the Syrian war. 

For anyone interested in learning more about supporting those who have experienced trauma through the use of HeartMath techniques, we highly recommend this very excellent HeartMath certification program, which was inspired by the trauma-relief work of Majd Kamalmaz.

For Professionals Who Provide, or Would Like to Provide, Trauma-Informed Care....

The Resilient Heart Trauma course, from HeartMath, was specially designed by trauma specialists to teach practitioners how to incorporate the HeartMath skill set in a trauma-sensitive manner — increasing client’s resilience and capacity for emotional regulation following trauma.

Learn practical tools to use “in the moment” that build resilience and improve the capacity for emotional regulation for yourself and your clients or patients.

Use Coupon Code "TRH2500" for a $25 Discount!

113 Women in Arsal, Lebanon Gain Inner Peace through Be in Peace's Stress Management Program!

January, 2024

Congratulations to all 113 of our graduates in Arsal, Lebanon who completed our 4-week Stress Management Training program, which taught them strategies and HeartMath® based self-regulation techniques to ease their stress and trauma! 

The 90-minute classes consist of education, discussion and experiential practice over the 4-week Program and covered the following topics:

Week One: Stress Awareness

Week Two: Stop Energy Drains and Build Capacity 

Week Three: The Power of Your Emotions and Coherence 

Week Four – Daily Application of Stress Relief Tools       

Prior to starting the program, we assessed the women's WHO-5 score, an internationally accepted survey which measures well-being through the scored responses to 5 questions. The average starting level of well-being in the women who participated in the Stress Management Program scored a low 38% in their levels of well-being. Following the program, they were reassessed, and the average group score rose to 81%, a 115% improvement in the group's well-being.  We are very gratified by these positive results and plan to continue our program this Spring. 

Please consider giving your support to our Program to help this work continue by donating directly through Zelle here on our website or by making a tax-deductible purchase of a Peace Gift from our Be In Peace Gift Store.

Help Support Our Work

Visit Our Be In Peace Gift Shop

where all we sell supports peace

Please consider Be In Peace, a 501c3 humanitarian non-profit, for your year-end giving and holiday shopping this year. By purchasing an item from our Be In Peace Gift Store, you are giving the gift of peace in four important ways! 

1) with a gift purchase whose message is peace

2) to all those who read the message of peace brought by your gift. 

3) by supporting women who are transforming their war trauma to peace.

4) supporting peacebuilding activities for children in the middle east so the next generation may know peace

For those who feel helpless and powerless with world events, and want to see peace, this is one concrete way you can truly bring the gift of peace into the world! All profits (over cost) on this gift of peace are tax-deductible. 


Be In Peace is 501c3 Non-profit charity organization. The work of our Board of Directors is strictly voluntary.  All donations to Be In Peace are tax-deductible according to US tax law.

Please Help Support Our Peace Programs

Help us to continue our work through the end of 2024 with your tax-deductible gift, ensuring our program, in the next year, can serve more than 450 women and children in Arsal who deserve peace and ease in their lives. 

Our Annual Fundraising Goal is $20,000, which covers the full cost of running the Be In Peace Stress Management program and children's Peacebuilding program for 1 year. Our on the ground program costs to provide Be In Peace's free programs for the woman and children in the refugee camp of Arsal, Lebanon include:

Any donation will help make an impact on improving lives, however ...

If 400 donors give a gift of $50, we will meet our program funding goal for the rest of 2024 and all of 2025.

If 200 donors give a gift of $100, we will meet our program funding goal for the rest of 2024 and all of 2025.

If 40 donors give a gift of $500, we will meet our  program funding goal for the rest of 2024 and all of 2025.

If we are blessed enough to reach our $20,000 funding goal, anything we raise over the goal amount for this current program will go to funding our next Pilot Project, Be In Peace Stress Management Facilitator Training Program, which includes training for both online and in person Facilitators. The funding for this next pilot project will cover the cost of program development and translating the Train the Trainer Training Materials, as well as subsidizing the paid internships of the new Training Facilitators. But first, we need your help to keep this pilot program running by securing our program budget for 2025!

Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

We Welcome Your Donation!

We are very grateful to receive your gift of a tax-deductible donation to Be In Peace through the following methods:

Become a Volunteer!

Volunteer Opportunities are available! If you have skills and experience you can share involving social media (TikTok videos; video editing, marketing posts), web design, grant writing, English / Arabic translation, crowdfunding / fundraising, HeartMath® training, curriculum writing, and other skills you are willing to offer us, please contact us!

Feel Free to Contact Us!

Be In Peace

235 Brier Circle, Jupiter, FL 33458; (561) 510-0658;;  EIN # 92-0490049